Centro para las Artes, Sostenibilidad y Acción
Center for the Arts, Sustainability, and Action
Promoting conservation, social justice, and better living alternatives in the Tropical Andes
CASA Interamericana is a nonprofit organization founded in 2000. Based in the Intag Valley of northern Ecuador, we are dedicated to the promotion of:
ecological conservation
food and water security
environmental education
social justice
gender equality
art and artistic expression
sustainable living alternatives
We work towards these goals through these primary projects:
CASA also funds and organizes free public workshops focusing on a variety of rural, integrated development themes and organizes work delegations and educational trips for interested groups.
CASA supports and collaborates with the following local organizations:

CASA is an allied, sponsored project of the Peace and Justice Center, in Burlington, VT. If you would like to financially support any of CASA's initiatives there are two ways to do it:
Send a check to PJC, 60 Lake St, 1C, Burlington, VT 05401
Use your credit card by choosing either Network for Good or Paypal.
Please designate that your donation is for CASA Interamericana and write us an email letting us know.
Director, CASA Interamericana