Centro para las Artes, Sostenibilidad y Acción
Center for the Arts, Sustainability, and Action
Promoting conservation, social justice, and better living alternatives in the Tropical Andes
Canopy Co
Carbon offset services and native species reforestation
Reforesting Ecuador
CanopyCo is a small project based in Ecuador that offsets carbon footprints (individual, institutional, corporate) through the reforestation of native trees.
Kilometer for kilometer, Ecuador is the most bio-diverse country in the world and has the highest rate of deforestation in South America. CanopyCo reforests primarily in the province of Imbabura in northern Ecuador creating buffer areas around the Cotacachi-Cayapas National Park – one of the most bio-diverse protected areas in the world.
We concentrate our work on exhausted agricultural land in three distinct ecological zones: Andean montane forest, cloud forest, and tropical Chocó forest --all on the western Andean slope.
Working with volunteers and community members in the highland indigenous community of Morochos, on the flank of the Cotacachi Volcano, we have planted thousands of native trees in an effort to recuperate lost native forest cover. The loss of forest cover in the highlands has been accompanied by a loss of water and food security. Reforestation is perhaps the most important requisite for long term sustainability.
In the Intag River Valley, in the subtropical cloud forest ---one of the world’s ten most biodiverse ecosystems—we are reforesting with native species to protect community water sources, create buffer zones for still-standing primary forest, and creating habitat corridors for the endangered Andean Spectacled Bear.
Community-run native species nurseries managed by CanopyCo create employment and a quality stock of native tree species for reforestation. Seeds and seedlings for the nurseries are gathered directly from remaining primary forests. Canopy Co used the UK government’s DEFRA Passenger Transport Emission Factors norms to determine offset rates based on reforestation.
Our goal is to slow the local effects of climate change and promote sustainable lifestyle alternatives here in Ecuador while allowing conscientious travelers, businesses, and institutions a positive and transparent way to offset the carbon footprint of their transport, industry, and lifestyle choices. Please consider offsetting your travels through CanopyCo and help reforest the highlands, cloud forests, and lowland Chocó forests of northern Ecuador –the most biodiverse ecoregion in the world.
Global climate change is a real problem and CanopyCo and its environmental initiatives are a small part of a complex solution.
If you decide to travel, make your trip carbon neutral with CanopyCo.